
Real Estate manager App


Build your Future

Make the Real Estate Investment easy. From the palm of you hand, manage all your properties. Empower yourself, take control and change your future

Features and tools

Unleash the power of REAL. We provide a set of tools and functionalities that will help you always be one step ahead


Manage and Monitor your
properties. Have a global picture
of your investment portfolio


Use the Cashflow & Profitability
Calculator to validate any
potential opportunity

Save, Edit
& Monitor

Keep track of your investments.
Save, Edit & Monitor your projects.
Investing has never been easier



Save, Edit &



Quisque cursus, metus vitae pharetra auctor, sem massa mattis sem, at interdum
magna augue eget diam. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus
et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Morbi lacinia molestie dui.
Chahida Marigot
agent immobilier

Real Estate Facts

The Real Estate market is growing unprecedentedly, at its highest pace ever. In Europe:

+ 0 %
Housing Prices

In the last decade

+ 0 %
Renting Price

In the last decade

1 %
Average Interest Rate

For Real Estate Loans

Born in Barcelona, he is 30 years old. Passionate and enthusiastic about progress and technology. Curiosity for the unknown and ambition to learn drive his life and career
Lluis Armengol
CEO & Co-Founder
At the age of 26, he has already forged a great career. His common sense and determination make him a courageous person, capable of achieving anything he sets his mind to
Roger Fraixedas
CTO & Co-Founder

Get to know

Our team

Lluis and Roger are the co-founders and developers of REAL. The idea was born out of their own need when they first started investing in real estate

We need your feedback !

to be determined

to be determined